Cookie Policy

James Gavin Finance is committed to protecting all personal information that it holds and complies with all applicable privacy and data protection laws openly and transparently. This commitment includes compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 as implemented in the UK as part of the Data Protection Act 2018.We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, the UK’s independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promote openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals. (Registration reference: Z3525063).

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are small text filesthat are sent to your computer, mobile phone, or any other internet-enabled device by a web server when you visit a website. These often include a unique identifier. Cookies help make sites work efficiently and analyse web traffic to provide business and marketing information, to enable developers to make informed decisions on the advancement of websites.

Overall, cookies can help us to provide you with a better service by allowing us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie does not give us any access to your computer or any personal information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer, but thismayprevent you from taking full advantage of the website.

In summary, cookies can:

  • Allow our website to work correctly, and help keep it secure
  • Help us understand how you use our site
  • Improve your experience by remembering information that you haveprovided to us
  • Help you by showing you information that is relevant to you.
Changing Cookie Settings

If you wish to change your cookie settings, then you can do this through your browser settings. Each browser works differently, so an excellent place to start is by searching ‘cookie settings’ in your browser’s help section.However, changing your cookie settings to block some or all of our cookies may affect how well our website performs for you.

Your Consent

By choosing to use our website, you are consenting to the useof the cookies that our site delivers. You can, at any time,change your cookie settings using the options available in your browser settings.

What Cookies do we use?

Websites use lots of different cookies, each with different purposes. Typically, cookies fall intodistinct categories of necessary cookies, performance cookies, third-party cookies, and targeting/advertising cookies. These are each detailed below:

Necessary cookies

These cookies protect your information and let you use the essential features we have built into our website.

Cookie Name Provider Description Expiration Period
viewed_cookie_policy Records user acceptance of the cookie notice. 12 Months
cookielawinfo-checkbox-non-necessary Used to prevent the repeated display of cookie policy acceptance notice following acceptance 12 Months
cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary Used to ensure display of cookie policy acceptance notice if not accepted 1 Day

These cookies ensure our website operates as you would expect. If you choose to block them, then we cannot guarantee our site will perform as intended.

Please note our website may contain links to websites operated by third-party companies. While we are responsible for inserting these links into our website pages, these websites, and the personal data that they collect from you are outside of our control. They will have separate privacy policies and user data collection mechanisms. We cannot accept responsibility or liability for the privacy practices of these third-party websites, and your use of these sites must be at your own risk.

Our website may also include Social Interaction links (including Facebook and Twitter); these third-party social networking companies do not deliver cookies unless you specifically choose to select the link and navigate to their website. We do not control any cookies that you may receive once you have navigated to such external sites. We advise that you check their cookie policies before selecting any link.

Performance Cookies

These are cookiesthat can help improve the way awebsite operates, indicating how visitors use each page, and which pagesthey view most often. They can also be used to record any errors should they occur for diagnostic purposes.

James Gavin Finance does not currently use any performance cookies.

Third-Party Cookies

These are cookies provided by third parties who deliver functionality embedded within a website and are necessary for the correct operation of this functionality.

James Gavin Finance does not currently use any third-party cookies.

Targeting and Advertising Cookies

Websites may use Google AdWordsto manage advertising on a siteusing cookies provided by Google. These specially designed cookies gather information from you and your web browsing device todisplayadvertisementson relevant topics that may be of interest to you. Advertisersuse these cookies to gather the information to share with other advertisers. They do this to measure the performance oftheiradvertisements. These cookies also build user profiles from each visit to a website to gather statistics on theperformance oftheadsthat can carry across many sites.

You can choose to disable advertising cookies entirely or disable adverts from specific companies. This action will not disable the display of adverts on the internet but will prevent them from being tailored to your interests or preferences. You can set your advertising preferences via this external website:

James Gavin Finance does not currently use any targeting or advertising cookies.

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